Mar 6, 2016


Bansky: great graffity art.
Pinatoteca: a painting museum.
Barrel: a rounded container for liquids.

Seal: anything that close or secures a thing.
Rinse: to wash lightly, as by pouring water over as a final stage in washing.
Stamp: to strike with a forceful, strong, downwards movement or push of th foot.
Parcel: an object wrapped up to form a small bundle, a package.

Slice: a thin, flat piece cut from something.
Warehouse: to place, deposit or store.
Jellyfish: a stinging, jellylike sea creature.
Slash: to cut with a violent sweeping stroke, as with a knife or sword.

Feb 16, 2016


Tender: soft or delicate in substance
Toll: a fee demanded by an authority for some right or privilege, as for driving along a road
Wrinkle: a small crease in the skin, as from aging
Slip: to slide suddenly and accidentally, esp. so as to fall or go lower

Wasp: a slender winged insect with a narrow abdomen and a powerful Sting
Thick: heavy; not easily poured
Regret: to feel sorrow or remorse for.
Clause: a group of words containing a subject and predicate and forming either a part of a sentence or a whole simple sentence.
Tender: soft or delicate in substance.
Tought: difficult to chew, not tender.
Wrinkles: a small crease in the skin.
Delusion: a false belief or opinion.
Self-esteem: a realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself.
Crave: want greately.
Isolation: to set or place apart.
Glistening: shining.
Baldheaded: a person without hair in his or her head.
Skipping: the act of jumping over a rope that is held and swung either by the person jumping or by two other people, as a game or for exercise.
Screw: a nail-like metal fastener, having a thin end with a spiral groove and a head with a slot.
Sneeze: to produce air or breath suddenly, forcibly, and loudly through the nose and mouth by involuntary action.
Hopscotch: a game in which a child hops around a diagram drawn on the pavement to pick up a small object, as a stone or stick, that was previously thrown down in one part of the diagram.
Sting: to prick or wound a person or an animal with a sharp-pointed part of the body that often contains poison or venom.
Run out: to be finished.
Carnations: a plant having long-stalked, fragant flowers in a variety of colors.


Attorney: lawyer.
Pickpocket: one who steals from the pockets of people.
Mugger: one who assaults a person in order to rob him or her.
Burglar: one who breaks into a house, a office, or another to steal.
Hooligan: a rough lawless young person.
Hijacker: one who steal an airplane or other vehicle by threat or by force, for ransom or political aims.
Passer-by: a person that is passing or going by on foot.
Crew: a group of people working together.
Law: the principles, and regulations set up by a government, other authority, or by custom, that apply to all the people of a group.
Lawyer:  a person whose profession is to represent clients in a curt of law.
Murder: to kill (a person) and deliberately.
Thief or burglar: a person who break into your house.
Hooligan: a young hoodlum.
Kidnap: to carry off a person by force or trickery.
Hose: a flexible tube for carrying a liquid such as water, to desired a point.
Passer-by: a person passing by.
Bullet: a small piece of metal fired from a gun.
Flat: horizontally level.

Dec 8, 2015


Return/single tickets: coming back/going away ticket.
Wipe out: to destroy completely.
Fields: where you grow crops.
Lead to: to go before or with show the way.
Drown: to die from being put under water.
Four-year-old boy: a boy with four years old.

Double-deckersomething with two levels.
Ripple: a small wave.
Flashlight: a small, portable electric lamp powered by dry batteries or a tiny generator.
Shocked: a sudden blow or impact. (you don't speak, you don't know where you go)
Thick smoke: dense smoke.
Put out: extinguish.
Pantry: a small room near a kitchen, in wich food, dishes, etc., are kept.
Sway: to move or swing from side to side.
Windshield: a shield of glass above the dashboard of an automobile.
As= while.
Shelter: place where you are safe.
Lightning: a brilliant flash in the sky.
Drift: a driving movement, as of a current of water.

Break out: to start.
Hazard: something causing danger, risk or difficulty.

GLOSSARY (Jessica).

Ripple: to form a small waves, as water when a breeze disturbs it.
Flashlight / batteries: also called torch, small poprtable electric lam powered by dry batteries.

Steel: a form of iron made with carbon.
Pantry: a small room near a kitchen, in wch food, dishes, etc, are kept.
Hazard/ bad: something causing danger, peril, risk or difficulty.

Instruction/ plan: a way, idea, or method of acting, proceeding, etc., developed in advance.


"Added another string to my bow"
"Dyed in the wool"
"To cast the die"
"Dice with death"
"Crossing the Rubicon"


Knight: a man who is given a title of knighthood by a king.
Stir: to mix or agitate with a continuous movement of a spoon, a stick, etc.
Knot: a tying tightly together of the two end of a cord.
Luggage: suitcases, trunks, etc.
Crutch: a staff of support to assist a person in walking, usually having a crosspiece at one end to fit under the armpit.
Valley girl: posh, with high class.
Turf: a layer of matted formed by grass and plant roots.
Sprained: to overstrain or twist the ligaments around a joint.
Schedule: a plan of procedure to achieve a goal..
Suitcase: a piece of luggage, for carrying clothes while traveling.
Misty: foggy.
Bow: arch, lips, boyfriend or girlfriend, the begining part of a boat.
Dye: a coloring material or matter.
Die: stop being alive. It's a cube with numbered faces.
Dai: David in Welsh.